Norconsult Digital Photo

Generate your Norconsult Digital Photo for free. Our online tool ensures your photo meets the exact size, requirements, and specifications. Quick, easy, and compliant.
Upload a photo
Passport photos examples

How to take your own biometric photo

Get your perfect biometric photo instantly. Check out just how easy it is!
Take or upload a photo
Use a photo you already have or take a new one. We'll double support it.
Get standard photo by AI
Our AI system will automatically crop, cutout, resize and adapt to meet all requirements.
Enjoy your new photo
Instantly download the digital photo and printable template.

Norconsult Digital Photo—Technical details

Here’s a quick overview of all requirements for your photo
25x30 mm
600 dpi
Background Color
Is it suitable for online submission?
Is it printable?
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